Journal TitleJurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan (JIPER)
Frequency2 issues per year (March and September)
DOIprefix 10.31764 by
Print ISSN2774-7301
Online ISSN2716-0432
OAI Addresshttps://journal.ummat.ac.id/index.php/JIPER/oai
StatusAccredited (Sinta 5)
Contact[email protected] 
PublicationMarch 2019
PublisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan (JIPER) is published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram. This journal accepts manuscripts of research results in the field of (1) Library Management, (2) Librarian Professional Ethics, (3) Library Services, (4) Library Information Technology, (5) Libraries and Social Media, (6) Big Data and Data Analytics, (7) Library and Archives Collection Management, (5) Open Access, (9) Open Data and Data Management, (10) Information Literacy, (11) Preservation and Conservation of Information Media, etc.

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Dear Authors (lecturers, researchers, academics, practitioners, students, etc.)

We invite you to publish the results of research and development on Libraries, Information and Archives in the Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan (JIPER) in the period:

  • Volume 7, Issue 1 March 2025 (OPEN)
  • Volume 7, Issue 2 September 2025  (OPEN)

Please send full paper (. * doc) Mr/Mrs via the form Online Submission. Download Template JIPER.

If you have any difficulties, you can contact the editor team at: [email protected] or Contact Editor.



  1. Please submit using JIPERTemplate.
  2. Reference at least 20, the last 10 years publication from National and international articles.
  3. Recommended using Mendeley/Zotero/EndNote application in writing reference. Download Mendeley here.
  4. Plagiarism Check results in a maximum 25%. Then, File Plagiarism Check (PDF) is uploaded in Step 4 as an attachment file at the time of submission.
  5. The prooreading process can contact Prosemantic.
  6. Letter of Acceptance (LoA) is provided after going through the review and revision process.
Publication Fees:

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 IDR
There is no charge for the submission process until the review process.

Article Publication: 300.000 IDR 

Authors are required to pay the article publication fee after the paper has been accepted.



Thank you very much.
Editor in Chief JIPER
Posted: 2021-09-30
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Vol. 7, No.1 (2025): Maret

Table of Contents


Dara Septiara, Prayumi Wikanti Asning, Agung Fatwanto
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