This paper will substantially deliver and discuss causative factors, prediction method, related issues and case studies of environmental impacts of blasting. Major impacts of blasting that frequently and widely analysis by researchers are flyrock, blast vibration, and dust. Environmental effects of blasting can be caused by controllable factors such as blast design as well as uncontrollable factors such as geological condition of rock mass. The empirical models to predict the environmental effect are site specifics, the researchers construct their empirical models based on the available research data in the field, future empirical model can also be build based on new specific site data. Artificial intelligence approach has been applied by researched as alternative way to predict environmental impacts of open pit mining blasting. More than one approach to asses environmental impacts of blasting give more alternative ways to prevent the impacts.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/jmet.v1i1.4326
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