Siti Sanisah


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pelaksanaan formulasi kebijakan anggaran pendidikan pada lingkup pemerintah daerah yaitu Kabupaten Lombok Tengah dengan mengembangkan metode evaluasi shadow control. Data penelitian diperoleh dari administrative records, direct observations of program operation, interviews with participants and interviews with relevant context serta dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tahap formulasi kebijakan anggaran pendidikan di Lombok Tengah meliputi problem identification, agenda setting, policy formulation, policy decision dan policy legitimation. Formulasi menggunakan pendekatan participatory planning, technocratic planning dan political planning yang diikuti oleh aktor resmi (pemerintah) dan tidak resmi (interest group, perguruan tinggi, LSM, media massa dan warga secara individu) dengan preferensi keterlibatan berbeda. Output formulasi berupa dokumen kebijakan anggaran (KUA, PPA, RKA-SKPM, RAPBD, APBD dan DPA Pendidikan) dan menjadi acuan tahap berikut, cenderung menjadi dokumen private dan nyaris tanpa sosialisasi. Guna memaksimalkan proses formulasi, education planner dapat melakukan analisis capaian kinerja tahun lalu, membuat benchmark dengan pendekatan asset based approach meminimalisir kepentingan dan keuntungan pihak atau golongan tertentu, menghindari intervensi politik yang berlebihan, menutup peluang mark up anggaran serta memperhatikan keterlibatan masyarakat.

Abstract:  This study aims to determine the process of implementing the education budget policy formulation in the local government scope, namely the Central Lombok Regency by developing a shadow control evaluation method. The research data were obtained from administrative records, direct observations of program operations, interviews with participants, and interviews with relevant contexts and were analyzed using a qualitative approach. The results showed that the education budget policy formulation stage in Central Lombok included problem identification, agenda-setting, policy formulation, policy decisions, and policy legitimacy. The formulation uses a participatory planning approach, technocratic planning, and political planning followed by an official (government) and informal actors (interest groups, universities, NGOs, mass media, and individual citizens) with different preferences for involvement. The output of the formulation is in the form of budget policy documents (KUA, PPA, RKA-SKPM, RAPBD, APBD, and DPA Pendidikan) and becomes a reference for the next stage, tends to be a private document and almost without socialization. To maximize the formulation process, education planners can analyze last year's performance achievements, make benchmarks with an asset-based approach to minimize the interests and benefits of certain parties or groups, avoid excessive political intervention, close opportunities for budget mark-ups and pay attention to community involvement.


Evaluation; Policy formulation; Education budget

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/geography.v10i1.8277


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