Meeting the Spiritual Needs of the Elderly: A Qualitative Study of Communication Patterns at PSLU Tresna Werda Lampung
Abstrak: Memenuhi kebutuhan lansia dapat membantu dalam peningkatan kesehatan, termasuk memenuhi kebutuhan spiritual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kebutuhan spiritual lansia muslim yang menetap di Tresna Werda UPTD Lampung. Subyek diminta untuk berpartisipasi dalam wawancara semi-terstruktur serta observasi. Kebutuhan spiritual lansia di kelompokkan menjadi tiga temuan utama yaitu kebutuhan religius, kebutuhan eksistensial, dan kebutuhan komunikasi. Kebutuhan keagamaan dibagi menjadi keyakinan agama, praktik keagamaan individu, dan praktik keagamaan kolektif. Kebutuhan komunikasi di konseptualisasikan untuk mencakup hubungan dengan Tuhan dan hubungan dengan orang lain. Idealnya, pengasuh lansia diwajibkan mengenal ikebutuhan spiritual lansia, termasuk kebutuhan agama, eksistensial, dan komunikasi, serta berupaya menjaga dan meningkatkan kesehatan spiritual lansia, namun faktanya berbeda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, pola komunikasi bintang dan pola roda paling efektif digunakan dalam proses bimbingan ibadah di Tresna Werda UPTD Lampung.
Abstract: Complied with the requirements of the elderly can help improve health, and also complied with the spiritual requirements. This study examined the spiritual requirements of Muslim elderly living at Tresna Werda UPTD Lampung. Subjects were asked to participate in semi-structured interviews and observations. The spiritual needs of the elderly are grouped into three main themes, namely religious requirements, existential requirements, and communication requirements. Religious requirements are divided into religious faith, individual spiritual practices, and collective religious practices. Communication requirements are conceptualized to include a relationship with God and relationships with other people. It is said that elderly caregivers must recognize the spiritual needs of the elderly, including religious, existential, and communication requirements, and strive to maintain and improve the spiritual health of the elderly
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Peteet, J. R., Al Zaben, F., & Koenig, H. G. (2019). Integrating spirituality into the care of older adults. International Psychogeriatrics, 31(1), 31–38.
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Zadworna-Cieślak, M. (2020). Spirituality, satisfaction with life and health-related behavior of older residents of long-term care institutions—a pilot study. Explore, 16(2), 123–129.
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