Political Marketing Elit Lokal Dalam Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah di Nusa Tenggara Barat
Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Pemasaran Politik, Elit Lokal, Politik, Demokrasi, Pilihan Kepala Daerah
Abstract : This paper analyzed the application of political marketing communication by Local Elites in some of the momentum of Local Leader Elections in West Nusa Tenggara. The existence of local elites in NTB, which used to only be a getter vote, has now become a political figure who is ready to compete with politicians in seizing formal leadership at the local level. The ability of local elites to narrate their political vision and mission cannot be underestimated by pure politicians who have so far mastered the structure of political parties. Openness of Democracy must be used as a medium and momentum to seat all elements of the voting community who have the same rights, both can be proposed and elected as bureaucratic leaders. The political path is one of the pathways that allow local elites to sit in to fill leadership changes at the executive and legislative levels. NTB Province, as one of the regions that carried out Local Leader elections for several periods of leadership has now been led by local elites from religious figures, as well as in several districts, the Bureaucrats have gradually moved away from the executive leadership chair.
Keywords: Political Marketing Communication, Local Elite, Politic, Democracy,
Local Leader Elections
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/jail.v2i1.534
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