Media dan Komodifikasi Dakwah
Abstrak: Islam pada dasarnya, bukanlah agama yang hanya tertuang dalam simbol tekstual dalam al-Quran dan Hadist semata. Islam sejatinya adalah agama yang tidak bisa menafikan gejala historis, sosial, budaya, politik, dan seterusnya. Dengan jumlah penganut yang tidak sedikit, serta tersebar diberbagai belahan dunia, termasuk Indonesia, Islam pun menjelma menjadi semacam ''gejala pasar''. Sebagai konsekuensi dari ''gejala pasar'', maka Islam pun mengalami proses komodifikasi. Dakwah sebagai bagian dari ajaran agama, juga tidak bisa mengelak dari komodifikasi, terutama semenjak lahirnya berbagai macam media informasi, termasuk media massa. Banyaknya program-program dakwah di media massa di satu sisi menambah transformasi nilai-nilai Islam, tapi di sisi lain terkadang merusak citra Islam, karena dakwah sebagai bagian suci dari ajaran agama, terkadang menjadi alat bagi media untuk meraih keuntungan dari keberadaan penduduk Indonesia yang mayoritas beragama Islam tadi. Tulisan ini berusaha untuk melacak jejak lahir komodifikasi, serta penggerogotannya pada ruang agama dan praktik dakwah, sampai pada akhirnya berusaha mencari titik temu antara komodifikasi dan dakwah.
Kata Kunci:Dakwah Islam, Komodifikasi, Media Massa, Studi Pustaka
Abstract: Islam basically is not a religion contained with textual symbols in the Koran and the Hadith only. Islam actually is a religion what cannot deny by historical, social, cultural, political, and so on. The number of adherents of Islam is never calculated as a small, because Islam is spreaded in various parts of the world, including Indonesia, Islam has become a kind of "market phenomenon". As a consequence of ''symptoms of market'', Islam also undergoes a commodification process. Da'wah as part of religious teachings also cannot avoid by commodification, especially since the birth of various information media, including mass media. The number of da'wah programs on the mass media is the one hand adds to the transformation of Islamic values, but on the other hand it sometimes damages the image of Islam, because da'wah as a sacred part of religious toughts. Which sometimes becomes a tool for the media to achieve the majority of Indonesia's population was a Muslim. This research seeks the traces of commodification, as well as its encroachment on the religious space and the practice of da'wah, until finally trying to find common ground between commodification and da'wah it self.
Kata Kunci:Dakwah Islam, Komodifikasi, Media Massa, Studi Pustaka
Abstract: Islam basically is not a religion contained with textual symbols in the Koran and the Hadith only. Islam actually is a religion what cannot deny by historical, social, cultural, political, and so on. The number of adherents of Islam is never calculated as a small, because Islam is spreaded in various parts of the world, including Indonesia, Islam has become a kind of "market phenomenon". As a consequence of ''symptoms of market'', Islam also undergoes a commodification process. Da'wah as part of religious teachings also cannot avoid by commodification, especially since the birth of various information media, including mass media. The number of da'wah programs on the mass media is the one hand adds to the transformation of Islamic values, but on the other hand it sometimes damages the image of Islam, because da'wah as a sacred part of religious toughts. Which sometimes becomes a tool for the media to achieve the majority of Indonesia's population was a Muslim. This research seeks the traces of commodification, as well as its encroachment on the religious space and the practice of da'wah, until finally trying to find common ground between commodification and da'wah it self.
Keywords:Islamic Da’wah, Commodification, Mass Media, Library Study
Dakwah Islam; Komodifikasi; Media Massa; Studi Pustaka
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