Journal of Environmental Policy and Technology (JEPTEC) is an open access, multidisciplinary journal focusing on environmental policy, sustainability research, and technology. It explores the environmental dimensions of common policies, sustainability, and technology. In addition, the JEPTEC serves as a platform for addressing and discussing theoretical and practical environmental management and sustainability issues in corporations, governments, education institutions, regions, and societies.
The JEPTEC publishes papers that critically engage with theories and analytical approaches which can be applied in environmental policy, technology, or sustainability studies and thus contribute to broader debates. Therefore, the scopes of the journal include, but are not limited to:
-Policy instruments, environmental management, and environmental and sustainability assessment techniques;
-Comparative studies and evaluations of cross-national learning and policy development;
-Theoretically guided studies that enhance the understanding of the environmental policy process;
-Case studies and evaluation of emerging environmental technologies;
- Industry and energy technologies for sustainable product development and sustainable production;
- Technological developments for environmental improvements, pollution control, and economic development;
- Environmental and sustainability assessment;
- Cleaner production and technical processes;
- Sustainable Development and Sustainability;
- Governance, legislation, and policy for sustainability.
Templates can be downloaded here (Template JEPTEC)