Peningkatan Pemahaman Pencegahan Pernikahan Dini dan Stunting Melalui Kegiatan Sosialisasi Pada Masyarakat Desa Terara, Kabupaten Lombok Timur

Abdul Rahman Wahid, Zanaria zanaria, Yaya Ilmianti, Risma Widia Ningsih, Farischa Magfiratun Ramadhani


East Lombok is one of the districts in West Nusa Tenggara with a fairly high number of early marriages and stunting. Terara Village is one of the villages in East Lombok with a stunted population of 91 children under five in July 2023. Therefore, in our Real Work Lecture (KKN) activities, we decided to conduct outreach on the prevention of early marriage and stunting in this village. The targets of this socialization are teenagers/middle and high school students, pregnant women and post-natal mothers. The aim of this outreach is to change people's mindset and behavior so that they do not engage in early marriage which can cause one of the risks of stunting. Data collection methods are carried out through observation and documentation. The results of this service prove that people understand and are aware that early marriage is one of the factors causing stunting, the dangers of stunting for health, the importance of nutritional intake during pregnancy (the first 1000 days of life) to prevent stunting. By carrying out this outreach, it is hoped that people will be aware not to marry at an early age which will have an impact on stunting.



East Lombok is one of the districts in West Nusa Tenggara with a fairly high number of early marriages and stunting. Terara Village is one of the villages in East Lombok with a stunted population of 91 children under five in July 2023. Therefore, in our Real Work Lecture (KKN) activities, we conducted outreach to prevent early marriage and stunting in this village. The targets of this socialization are teenagers/middle and high school students, pregnant women, and post-natal mothers. This outreach aims to change people's mindset and behavior so that they do not engage in early marriage, which can cause one of the risks of stunting. Data collection methods are carried out through observation and documentation. The results of this service prove that people understand and are aware that early marriage is one of the factors causing stunting, the dangers of stunting for health, and the importance of nutritional intake during pregnancy (the first 1000 days of life) to prevent stunting. This service concludes that this socialization has had quite a good impact on society because people are starting to realize the dangers of early marriage and stunting in future life. Society is also starting to care about the importance of adequate nutritional intake and a healthy lifestyle to produce a quality generation.

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