TEL Integration Into the Post-Pandemic Classrooms in the Eyes of Students and Lecturers
Abstrak: Integrasi aplikasi technology-enhanced learning (TEL) di era pascapandemi mendapat perhatian yang intensif. Sebagai pengguna TEL di perguruan tinggi (HEI), perspektif mahasiswa dan dosen terhadap penggunaan TEL penting untuk diselidiki. Penelitian kali ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana sikap mahasiswa dan dosen terhadap TEL di era pascapandemi. Metode deskriptif kualitatif digunakan untuk mencari jawaban atas sudut pandang tersebut. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan terhadap 12 orang mahasiswa dan 1 orang dosen program studi manajemen salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta di Garut, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Sebanyak 12 pertanyaan diajukan kepada dosen, sementara 5 pertanyaan diajukan kepada mahasiswa. Data hasil wawancara dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis tematik. Para mahasiswa secara dominan menyatakan pandangan positif mereka terhadap penerapan TEL meskipun mereka masih memperhitungkan umpan balik negatif mengenai masalah teknis, sikap belajar, dan interaktivitas. Dosen juga menyampaikan pandangan positifnya terhadap penggunaan TEL di kelasnya, namun ia menyoroti kendala teknis, kurangnya pelatihan mahasiswa untuk menggunakan aplikasi TEL, dan dukungan universitas terhadap penggunaan TEL dalam proses pembelajaran. Studi saat ini menyimpulkan bahwa secara umum TEL dipandang bermanfaat baik oleh mahasiswa maupun dosen dengan menggarisbawahi beberapa permasalahan penting yang harus ditangani, dan merekomendasikan partisipasi dari manajemen universitas untuk mendukung penggunaan teknologi di lingkungan mereka dengan menyediakan facilitas yang memadai dan pelatihan pengembangan bagi dosen dan mahasiswa.
Abstract: Integrating technology-enhanced learning (TEL) applications in the post-pandemic era has received intensive concern. As the users of TEL in higher education institutions (HEIs), students' and lecturers' perspectives on using TEL are significant to investigate. The current study intends to explore students’ and lecturers’ views of TEL in the post-pandemic era. A qualitative descriptive method was employed to seek the answers of the viewpoints. In-depth interviews were administered to 12 students and 1 lecturer from a management study program of a private university in Garut, West Java, Indonesia. A total of 12 questions were posed to the lecturer, while 5 questions were directed to the students. The data from the interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. The students dominantly expressed their positive viewpoints of TEL applications although they still reckoned negative feedback regarding technical issues, learning attitude, and interactivity. The lecturer conveyed her positive view of using TEL in her classroom, yet, she highlighted technical issues, students’ lack of training to use TEL applications, and university support on the use of TEL in the learning process. The current study concludes that generally TEL is viewed as beneficial both by the students and the lecturer by underscoring some crucial issues to handle, and recommends participation from university management to support technological use in their environment by providing adequate facilities and development training for lecturers and students.
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