Abstrak: Penelitian dilatarbelakangi kondisi pembelajaran Matematika siswa kelas IV SDN Nyemoh Kecamatan Bringin bermetode konvensional dan berimplikasi kepada hasil belajar 58,82 % di bawah KKM. Penulis berangkat dari pertanyaan apakah melalui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams Games Tournament dapat meningkatkan minat dan hasil belajar matematika siswa? Penelitian tindakan kelas kolaboratif ini, diterapkan pada siswa sejumlah 17 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kondisi awal minat siswa 70,59% (Rendah), 58,82% (Tinggi) di siklus I dan siklus II 88,24% (Tinggi) serta 11,76% (Sangat Tinggi). Sedangkan hasil belajar siswa menunjukan nilai rata-rata 57,35 (58,82%< KKM) pada awalnya. Siklus I (23,53%< KKM) dan siklus II ( 0 %<KKM). Pelibatan siswa yang dominan disertai dengan tuntutan pemahaman dan penguasaan materi merupakan faktor utama pencapaian tersebut.
Abstract: Research background of learning condition of Grade 4 students of State Elementary School of Nyemoh District Bringin conventional method and have implication to learning result 58,82% under KKM. The author set out from the question whether through the application of learning models Teams Games Tournament type can increase student interest and learning outcomes math? This collaborative classroom action study, applied to students of 17 people. The result showed that the initial condition of student interest was 70,59% (Low), 58,82% (High) in cycle I and cycle II 88,24% (High) and 11,76% (Very High). While the result of student learning showed average value 57,35 (58,82% <KKM) at first. Cycle I (23.53% <KKM) and cycle II (0% <KKM). The dominant student involvement accompanied by the demands of understanding and mastery of the material is the main factor of achievement.