Implementasi Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Kolaborasi untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup di Daerah Terpencil
The existence of small villages is an inseparable part of the Indonesian state. Unfortunately, people in remote villages often do not have access to basic needs, such as access to health. This study then looks at how access and awareness of remote village communities can be improved through the presence of Mobile clinics. This study was conducted by looking at how the implementation and methods of implementing Mobile clinics in remote villages. The results of this study then found that in an effort to improve access and awareness of health in remote villages, the role of Mobile clinics has proven to be very important. They overcome accessibility barriers by bringing health services directly to the doors of villagers, ensuring that those who were previously marginalized get the medical care they need. In facing these challenges, Mobile clinics must leverage technology, build strong relationships with communities, and make health education an integral part of their services. With a strong commitment to overcoming these challenges, Mobile clinics can continue to play an effective role in improving the health and well-being of remote village communities.
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