Strategi Pelestarian Uma Lengge (Rumah Adat Bima) Sebagai Objek Daya Tarik Wisata Di Desa Maria Kecamatan Wawo Kabupaten Bima
Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan tipe penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Dengan cara mengolah dan menganalisis data menggunakan analisis kualitatif.
Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan analisis data hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Strategi pelestarian Uma Lengge (Rumah Adat Bima) yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Bima adalah: (a) Perencanaan yang dimana perencanaan dalam pelestarian Uma Lengge (Rumah Adat Bima), (b) Pelaksanaan kebijakan yang dimana pelaksanaan kegiatan peningkatan peran serta masyarakat dalam pembangunan kebudayaan dan pariwisata, (c) Meningkatnya kapasitas sumber daya dan sarana prasarana aparatur, meningkatkan citra pariwisata didalam dan luar negeri, menciptakan produk pariwisata khas bima yang komparatif dan kompetitif, (d) Sarana dan Prasarana yang ada di kawasan Wisata Uma Lengge (Rumah Adat Bima) diantaranya: akses jalan menuju Uma Lengge (Rumah Adat Bima), tempat parkir di kawasan Uma Lengge (Rumah Adat Bima), listrik dan air. Promosi yang dilakukan pemerintah Kabupaten Bima sudah memberikan dampak yang baik bagi masyarakat.
Bima Regency has a diverse variety of cultures, customs and traditions. One distinctive feature of Bima City is the existence of "Uma Lengge" which is a traditional house for the Mbojo tribe. "Uma Lengge" is located precisely in Maria Village, Wawo District, and Sambori Village, Lambitu District, Bima Regency, Sumbawa Island. there is a lack of public awareness that is aware of the Bima Traditional House, so many people do not know about the existence of the Bima Traditional House (Uma Lengge), not many know of its existence even the people around the district. Wawopun many do not know about the existence of Uma Lengge. This is due to the lack of the government in choosing a conservation strategy to expand the existence of Uma Lengge. Bima Traditional House) As a tourist attraction based on community or community. In this study, the author uses a type of descriptive research with a qualitative approach.
By way of processing and analyzing data using qualitative analysis. Based on the results of interviews and data analysis the results of this study found that the preservation strategy of Uma Lengge (Bima Traditional House) carried out by the Bima District government was: (a) Planning where Uma Lengge (Bima Traditional House) was planned for conservation, (b) Implementation of policy where the implementation of activities to increase the participation of the community in the development of culture and tourism, (c) the increased capacity of resources and infrastructure facilities of the apparatus, increasing the image of tourism inside and outside the country, creating comparative and competitive typical tourism products, (d) Infrastructure in the Tourism Area of Uma Lengge (Bima Traditional House) including: access roads to Uma Lengge (Bima Traditional House), parking lots in the area of Uma Lengge (Bima Traditional House), electricity and water. Promotion carried out by the Bima Regency government has had a good impact on the community
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