Kebijakan dalam Manajemen dan Safety Kios Pestisida di Pasar Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor
Pesticide management is an important aspect of agriculture, not only during field application but also in storage and sales at kiosks. This practicum aimed to understand the management, sales, purchasing, and safety procedures at the pesticide kiosks of Pasar Cisarua. The research method involved interviews with 50 kiosk owners to gather information about the policies and practices they implement. The results showed that Aneka Tani kiosk, one of the kiosks in the market, had a sales system tailored to farmers' demands and sold pesticides from several large companies. The most sought-after pesticides contained active ingredients such as Benzoate and Abamectin. However, the sale of expired pesticides still occurred because some farmers considered them cheaper. The arrangement of pesticide placement at the Aneka Tani kiosk needed to fully meet the established standards, such as placing pesticides near animal feed. Discussions involved regulations and guidelines from the Indonesian Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health to emphasize the importance of proper storage and safe handling of pesticides. This research provides an overview of practices at Pasar Cisarua pesticide kiosks and highlights the need to increase awareness of pesticide management and safety. Therefore, raising awareness of the importance of safe pesticide management and compliance with regulations is necessary.
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