Benih Berlapis Pupuk Organimineral, Alternatif Solusi untuk Masalah Pemupukan pada Usahatani Padi
Abstrak: Untuk mengatasi masalah biaya usaha tani padi yang mahal, telah dikembangkan benih padi berlapis pupuk organomineral berbahan baku batuan volkanik dari Gunung Rinjani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas pelapisan benih padi relative terhadap penggunaan pupuk NPK pada kondisi lapang. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan split plot. Sebagai petak utama adalah varietas padi (Trisakti dan Nutri zinc), sedangkan anak petak terdiri atas benih tak berlapis (NC), benih berlapis dengan N 10 % (C-10N), N 15 % (C-15N), dan N 20 % (C-20N), diulang 3 kali. Rasio bobot benih/bahan pelapis adalah 1/16. Tanaman dari benih tak berlapis diberi pupuk NPK (15:15:15) setara 300 kg/ha, sedangkan yang dari benih berlapis tidak diberi pupuk tambahan apapun. Semua benih padi tersebut ditanam langsung tanpa persemaian (sistim tabela). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan nyata pada nilai komponen pertumbuhan maupun hasil gabah untuk tanaman dari benih NC dengan yang dari C-10N, C-15N, maupun C-20N. Artinya, peran pupuk NPK 300 kg/ha tersebut dapat digantikan dengan pupuk organomineral. Pelapisan benih dengan pupuk organomineral sangat potensial sebagai solusi tepat untuk mengatasi masalah pemupukan pada usahatani padi. Namun, kajian multi lokasi dan varietas padi perlu dilakukan.
Abstract: To overcome the high cost of rice farming, we developed the coated rice seed with organomineral fertilizer made from volcanic rock of Rinjani Mt. The research aimed to test the effectiveness of rice seed coating relatives to use of NPK fertilizer in field condition. The experiment employed a split plot design. The main plot was rice variety (Trisakti and Nutri Zinc), whereas the sub plot contained uncoated seeds (NC), coated seeds containing N of 10 % (C-10N), 15 % (C-15N), and 20 % (C-20N), and those were triplicated. The weight ratio of seeds/coating material was 1/16. The plant from uncoated seeds was fertilized with NPK (15:15:15) roughly equivalent to 300 kg/ha, but nothing for the coated seeds. All seeds were planted directly (without germination). Results revealed that there were no significant different of growth and yield components between plant of NC to C-10N, C-15N, or C20N. It means that the function of NPK 300 kg/ha could be substituted with organomineral fertilizer. The coating seeds with organomineral fertilizer was potentially proposed as an appropriate solution for the problem of fertilization in rice farming. However, further tests were required in various location and varieties.
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