Edukasi Kehalalan Obat pada Masyarakat di Dusun Budandak Desa Bunut Baok, Lombok Tengah

Baiq Lenysia Puspita Anjani, Cyntiya Rahmawati, Anna Pradiningsih, Baiq Leny Nopitasari, Widayatul Khairi, Safwan Safwan, Irmatika Hendriyani, Wirawan Adikusuma, Uswaton Hasanah, Chintya Gibsy, Putu Gede Surya Gunawan


Halal Medicine educational activities for the Community in Budandak Hamlet, Bunut Baok Village, Central Lombok. The media used in this activity is leaflets, the material is delivered directly with a question and answer session. Before and after implementing education, the public was asked questions regarding the halalness of drugs to measure public knowledge before and after education. The average pre-intervention score was 62 and the post-intervention average score was 94. Halal drug education showed good results as seen from the increase in post-intervention scores compared to pre-intervention. The research results show that the highest source of information accessed by the public when choosing medicine is family/friends 42.5% and health workers 40.0%. This raises the risk of drug use errors. Halal products are of particular concern in Indonesia, which has a predominantly Muslim population.

Key word: Halal Medicine, Bunut Baok Village, Education


Kegiatan edukasi Kehalalan Obat pada Masyarakat di Dusun Budandak Desa Bunut Baok, Lombok Tengah. Media yang digunakan pada kegiatan ini adalah leaflet, materi disampaikan secara langsung dengan sesi tanya jawab. Sebelum dan sesudah pelaksanaan edukasi pada masyarakat diberikan pertanyaan terkait kehalaln obat untuk mengukur pengetahuan masyarakat sebelum dan sesudah edukasi. Hasil nilai rata-rata pra-intervensi adalah 62 dan nilai rata-rata post-intervensi adalah 94. Edukasi kehalalan obat menunjukkan hasil yang baik terlihat dari adanya kenaikan nilai pada post-intervensi dibandingkan dengan pra-intervensi.

Kata kunci: Kehalalan obat, Desa Bunut Baok, Edukasi.

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