Interrelation Hydrogeology and Geochemistry of Acid Mine Drainage in Groundwater: Mitigation Approach of Mine Water Management
Acid mine drainage (AMD) has been recognized as one of the major threats to the environment and water quality in mining. The main purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of the principles of geochemistry of AMD analysis and hydrogeology characteristic as well as both interrelations in groundwater. To reduce the source of water quality problems caused by AMD, mitigation approach of geochemistry of AMD and hydrogeology study need to be developed earlier before mining phase resumed. Geochemistry analysis consisting analysis waste and ore rock for static test in laboratory or kinetic test in the field. Geochemistry study conducted to determine two possibilities of AMD forming named Potential Acid Forming (PAF) or Non Acid Forming (NAF). Hydrogeology mitigation can be performed through study of hydrogeology characteristic including core logging, RQD measurement, aquifer testing and determination of conductivity, storativity, transmisivity as well as groundwater flow rate. Rock fracture is media transportation of groundwater which conveying groundwater to down gradient area then emerge to surface as surface water. Therefore, it is important to perform groundwater and surface water monitoring as measure of tracking AMD in groundwater. The interrelation between hydrogeology and geochemistry AMD in groundwater becomes important for the mitigation of potential AMD forming and its management.
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