Account for the Role of Digital Literacy and Behavior Intention on Electronic Payment and Buying Decisions and Its Impact on Customer
Abstract: The significance of digital literacy and behavior intention in the real world of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) has garnered particular attention due to their crucial role in enhancing electronic payment, purchasing decisions, and customer satisfaction. Digital literacy is the level of literacy is well literate in managing financial transactions and in making decisions for their business in managing financial transactions and in making decisions for their business. Behavior intention is that existing users, buyers, and sellers active in e-payment platforms will benefit as its findings highlight important drivers influencing e-payment usage intentions to keep them competitive. Electronic payment is a transaction payment service system the marketplace provides without using cash or physical money. A buying decision is a systematic way of looking at how a consumer purchases a product (any product) in a product category. Consumer satisfaction is the result obtained when the company can meet the expectations of the performance given. This research attempted to pinpoint the influence of digital literacy and behavior intention on electronic payment and purchasing decisions and their impact on customer satisfaction. Employing a quantitative correlational approach with a cross-sectional sample of 250 respondents, this study utilized Smart-PLS (Partial Least Square) for Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to analyze the data. The findings revealed that digital literacy and behavior intention positively impacted electronic payment and purchasing decisions. Additionally, electronic payment influenced purchasing decisions, positively affecting customer satisfaction. This study offered valuable insights into how MSME consumers can enhance electronic payment, purchasing decisions, and customer satisfaction with their products. A good experience with digital literacy, behavior intention, and e-payment creates positive attitudes, increases customers’ self-efficacy, and influences future intentions. In contrast, a bad experience might have exactly the opposite effect. Customers who are satisfied with previous experiences have increased self-efficacy. Customer satisfaction occurs when a person compares the outcomes of what they feel from a product or service to their expectations for the product.
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