The Dynamics of Traditional Knowledge in the Context of Ethnomatematics: A Literatur Review

Widia Rini, Syaharuddin Syaharuddin, Zaid Mohammed Fadail, Christian Domondon, Sultan Senan Mahde, Abdillah Abdillah


Abstract: Traditional knowledge plays a crucial role in preserving biodiversity and public health and can be utilized to teach mathematical concepts. This study aims to examine the dynamics of traditional knowledge in the context of mathematics through a literature-based approach. Traditional knowledge is often overlooked in the development of modern mathematics curricula, yet it holds significant value in understanding the origins and mathematical thinking across various cultures. Through a qualitative approach and Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method, this research investigates the participation and influence of traditional knowledge on the development of mathematical concepts. Analysis is conducted on various scholarly works, literature, and journals to understand how traditional knowledge informs and shapes current mathematical practices. The findings of this study reveal that traditional knowledge plays a role in the development of mathematics through ethnomathematics, which utilizes mathematical concepts within different cultures, and through mathematical activities in traditional games, providing an alternative foundation in elementary school mathematics education, and a strong connection between mathematics, traditional culture, and mathematics learning. Our result of this paper can provide new insights into how traditional knowledge remains relevant in the context of modern mathematics education and provide a basis for further research in enriching inclusive and culturally-based mathematics learning approaches. This research has important implications for appreciating and understanding the diversity of mathematical knowledge worldwide


Ethnomathematics, Traditional Knowledge, Mathematical Concepts

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