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Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology A Review of Mathematical Anxiety and Its Effect on Middle School Students' Mathematics Assignment Grades Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Aisyah Fajri Nur Fatimah, Akhsanul In'am, Siti Khoiruli Ummah
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Analysis of Electronic Book Development Needs Project Based To Improve Pancasila Literacy for Class V Students Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Umri Rahman Efendi
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Analysis of Learning Diffilcuties in Algebra for Junior High School Students Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Zaskiya Zaskiya, Al Kusaeri, Rosliana Siregar
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Analysis of Privacy Policy Impacts on Data Collection in the Age of Advanced Technology Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Soraya Soraya, Ni Putu Rai Yuliartini, Malik Ibrahim, Muh. Hapipi
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Analysis of the Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning Method in Developing Students' Analytical Mathematical Thinking Skills Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Asmia Nurullia Hanna, Lalu Sucipto, Kiki Riska Ayu Kurniawati, Habib Ratu Perwira Negara, Habibi Ratu Perwira Negara
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Analysis of the Impact of Cooperative Learning Model Utilization on Mathematics Learning in Secondary Schools Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Siti Maesaroh, Habibi Ratu Perwira Negara, Sri Yunita Ningsih
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Analysis of the Implementation of Remote Learning Platforms in the Context of Mathematics Education During the Pandemic Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Nurhaya Nurhaya, Ahmad Nasrullah, Ade Evi Fatimah
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Analysis of the Learning System and Student Learning Understanding of Mathematics Learning Outcomes at SMPN Karangkobong Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Tita Novia, Violin Rahma Safitri, Jaka Wijaya Kusuma
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Analysis of the Teacher's Role in Facilitating Active Student Engagement in Problem-Based Learning in Mathematics Classrooms Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Yenna Widia, Kiki Riska Ayu Kurniawati, Habib Ratu Perwira Negara, Habibi Ratu Perwira Negara, Lalu Sucipto
Syavina Destriana, Fadilah Fadilah, Jaka Wijaya Kusuma
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Assessment of Student Satisfaction Levels Regarding the Utilization of Digital Learning Materials in the Subject of Mathematics Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Alfiana Sahraini, Vera Mandailina, Abdillah Abdillah, Syaharuddin Syaharuddin, Dwi Pramita
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Building students' self-directed learning through problem-based learning approach Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
I’is Nadiyah HR, Syaharuddin Syaharuddin, Hisbulloh Als Mustofa, Vera Mandailina, Abdillah Abdillah, Mahsup Mahsup
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Case-Based Method in Teacher Education to Cultivate 21st Century Skills Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Yanuard Putro Dwikristanto, Moch Sukardjo, Khaerudin Khaerudin
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Challenges and Opportunities of E-Learning in Modern Education: A Systematic Literature Review Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Muh. Hapipi, Ni Putu Rai Yuliartini, Yance Manoppo, Lalu Sibuan Amir
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Collaborative Project-Based Learning to Develop 21st Century Skills: A Case Study at SMAI Nurul Fikri Boarding School Lembang Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Dewi Sinta, Ardi Rizkia Ferahenki, Agus Fakhruddin
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Constructivism Theory in Multidisciplinary Elementary Science Learning Environment Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Dwi Septiaseh, Aqidatul Munfariqoh, Moh Bayu Ibrahim S
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Development of Constructivism-Based E-Modules in Class VIII of Gajah Mada Junior High School Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Suharmita Suharmita, Esra Pasaribu, Rustani Silitonga, Dichi Akbar Wahyudi
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology EFL Teachers’ Perception on Students’ Learner Autonomy in the Implementation of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Taufik Ahmad Fahrudin, Dewi Rochsantiningsih, Endang Setyaningsih
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Evaluation of Teachers' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Android Learning Applications in Supporting the Learning Process at School Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
David Hermansyah, Aqodiah Aqodiah, Khaeruddin Said
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Exploration of Project-Based Learning Models in the Mathematics Curriculum to Enhance Problem-Solving Skills Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Nur Al Fariana, Kiki Riska Ayu Kurniawati, Habib Ratu Perwira Negara, Habibi Ratu Perwira Negara, Lalu Sucipto
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Extension Performance in Agricultural Development: The Urgency of Integrated Agricultural System Education for Farmers Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Wulandari Wulandari, Sitti Bulkis, M. Saleh S. Ali, Muh. Hatta Jamil, Puji Muniarty
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Forecasting Analysis with the Dynamic Systems Approach on Economic Data Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Mariono Mariono, Syaharuddin Syaharuddin, Sunday Emmanuel Fadugba, Abdillah Abdillah
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Global Trends in Augmented Reality Technology: A Meta-Analysis Study Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Maximus Tamur, Gregoria W. Komaladewi, Marianus Alberto Nona, Elisabeth Lasitania Trinitas, Yohana Maya K Syukur
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Humanize Classroom Atmosphere in Digital ELT (Perspective of Humanistic Psychology of Learning Theory) Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Ni Putu Ratni
Vol 1 (2024): Proceeding of International Seminar On Student Research In Education, Science, and Technology Implementation of Character Education Values At SMP Labschool Jakarta Abstract   DOWNLOAD [PDF]
Ahmad Farid, Supadi Supadi, Heru Santosa, Asdi Wiharto
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