Forecasting Analysis with the Dynamic Systems Approach on Economic Data

Mariono Mariono, Syaharuddin Syaharuddin, Sunday Emmanuel Fadugba, Abdillah Abdillah


Abstract: This research conducts a systematic literature review to analyze forecasting with the dynamic systems approach applied to economic data. The literature was sourced from reputable indexes including Scopus, DOAJ, and Google Scholar, with a focus on publications spanning from 2013 to 2023. The synthesis of the research findings reveals that the dynamic systems approach exhibits significant flexibility in analyzing and forecasting economic data. Across diverse contexts such as business, education, and psychotherapy, this approach demonstrates its superiority in addressing the complexity and dynamics inherent in economic systems. This academic abstract emphasizes the adaptability and effectiveness of the dynamic systems approach in navigating the intricacies of economic data analysis and forecasting. The comprehensive review of literature from reputable sources contributes to a nuanced understanding of the approach's strengths and its applications in various fields. The findings underscore its significance in dealing with the challenges posed by the complex and dynamic nature of economic systems.


dynamic systems, economic data, economic trends, forecasting

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