The Impact of Social Media Use on Student Academic Achievement: A Systematic Literature Review

Juniawan Mandala Putra, Ni Putu Rai Yuliartini, Irwandi Irwandi, Khatib Ramli Ahmad


This study presents a Systematic Literature Review aimed at exploring the impact of social media use on student academic achievement. Literature sources were retrieved from indexing databases such as Scopus, DOAJ, and Google Scholar, covering the period from 2014 to 2024. The findings indicate that social media use can have varied effects on student academic performance. While some studies conclude that high-intensity social media usage can disrupt concentration and decrease academic achievement, others find that directed social media use can enhance learning interest and student engagement. Therefore, this research provides a comprehensive overview of the complexity of the relationship between social media and student academic achievement, emphasizing the importance of understanding the role of social media in students' lives to take appropriate measures to support their academic success.


Social Media, Academic Achievement, Students, Impact.

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