The Impact of Utilizing Educational Games on Students' Learning Motivation and Academic Achievement

Veramyta Maria Martha Flora Babang, Ni Putu Rai Yuliartini, Lalu Sibuan Amir, Mohammad Syahrul


Abstract: This research constitutes a Systematic Literature Review aimed at analyzing the impact of using educational games on students' learning motivation and academic achievement. The literature sources utilized were obtained from the Scopus, DOAJ, and Google Scholar indices, covering the publication period from 2016 to 2024. Through rigorous selection processes, this study successfully identified and summarized key findings from various relevant research works. The results discovered and interpreted indicate that learning motivation derived from educational games significantly contributes to positive academic achievements among students. The implications of these findings offer a profound understanding of the potential of educational games as tools to enhance the quality of learning motivation and academic outcomes. This study contributes to the current literature's comprehension of the relationship between educational games, learning motivation, and academic achievement, with the hope of providing a foundation for further development within the educational context.



Educational Games, Learning Motivation, Academic Achievement.

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