Utilizing Virtual Reality in Mathematics Education: A Case Study at the High School Level

Dian Suri, Habibi Ratu Perwira Negara, Asri Ode Samura


Abstract: This study presents a systematic literature review aimed at investigating the utilization of Virtual Reality (VR) technology in mathematics education at the high school level. Literature sources were obtained from Scispace and Elicit indexes, as well as data from Google Scholar, DOAJ, and Scoups, covering publications from 2013 to 2024. The findings reveal that the use of VR in mathematics education significantly impacts students' interest, motivation, engagement, and problem-solving abilities at the high school level. Various studies support these findings by demonstrating that VR creates an engaging, interactive, and realistic learning environment for students, thereby enhancing their interest and motivation in learning mathematics. Moreover, the utilization of VR has proven effective in increasing student engagement in learning, facilitating the understanding of mathematical concepts, and enhancing students' problem-solving skills. The integration of VR with innovative pedagogical approaches, such as Project-Based Learning (PBL) or Problem-Based Learning (PBL), also shows potential in improving students' critical thinking skills and mathematical literacy. In conclusion, this research underscores the importance of harnessing VR technology to enhance mathematics education at the high school level, while also highlighting the need for further research to explore the most effective strategies for VR implementation and address implementation challenges in classroom settings.



Virtual Reality, Mathematics Education, High School, Student Engagement, Problem-Solving.

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