Constructivism Theory in Multidisciplinary Elementary Science Learning Environment

Dwi Septiaseh, Aqidatul Munfariqoh, Moh Bayu Ibrahim S


Abstract: Constructivism theory refers to how a person constructs knowledge from the experiences that students already have.  This is in line with science learning, emphasizing knowledge built by students themselves both personally and socially through group learning activities. However, studies on the theme of Constructivism Theory in Multidisciplinary Elementary Science Learning Environment are still limited. Based on the problem of limited research related to constructivism theory in science learning in elementary schools, researchers are interested in conducting research literature. The purpose of the first study describes constructivism theory in science learning so that more in-depth research can be carried out related to the importance of constructivism theory on student activity in the learning process. The second explains the results of the implementation of constructivism theory in science learning in elementary schools. The method used is riview literature.  Various literature obtained by Google Scholar from 2014-2023 received 30 articles with the keyword "constructivism theory in science learning in elementary schools". 30 articles were then identified, data selection and feasibility tests to analysis, 4 articles were obtained in accordance with the theme of literature review. The results of the research literature obtained 3 core points, namely (1) constructivism theory is very important in science learning to facilitate students to be actively involved in the learning process in class, (2) important in creating a learning environment through constructivism theory. (3) Constructivism theory in more effective in improving students' science learning outcomes at the elementary school level.


Constructivist Theory, Science Learning, Sekolah Dasar

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