Case-Based Method in Teacher Education to Cultivate 21st Century Skills

Yanuard Putro Dwikristanto, Moch Sukardjo, Khaerudin Khaerudin


Abstract: Teachers have an important role in preparing their students to face global challenges and competition in the 21st century. In preparing quality teachers, student teachers need to be equipped with 21st century skills which are critical thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration skills. This paper aims to investigate case-based teaching methods in fostering 21st-century skills among student teachers. The research method is literature review. The study will explore existing literature on case-based teaching methods, focusing on their application in teacher education programs and their impact on the acquisition of critical thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration skills. By synthesizing findings from various scholarly sources, this paper seeks to provide insights into the potential benefits and challenges associated with implementing case-based methods in preparing student teachers for the complexities of modern classrooms. The finding from the literature review suggests that case-based learning can provide a social-constructivist pedagogical learning experience through cases and discussions, offering more social opportunities for students to build shared understanding. This will be beneficial for student teachers to develop their critical thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration skills.


case-based learning, 21st century skills, teacher education.

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