Students' Interest in Learning Mathematics Based on Gender Differences in SMP Negeri 1 Carenang

Tika Elisabet Aprilia Hutabarat, Nuraeni Nuraeni, Jaka Wijaya Kusuma


Abstract: This study was conducted to analyze the learning interest of grade VIII junior high school students in learning gender-based algebraic literature mathematics using indicators of learning interest, namely feelings of pleasure, student interest, student involvement, diligent study and mathematics homework, perseverance and learning discipline and having a study schedule. The method used for analysis in this study is qualitative description using the Likert scale with the provision of tools in the form of questionnaires that have been filled in Analysis of students' interest in learning mathematics. The population of this study was grade VIII students of SMPN 1 Carenang and the sample studied was one class consisting of 40 students. The tools used in this study were quizzes and questionnaires for each student. The results obtained in this study show that there are differences.  In gender-based algebra literature, students are interested in mathematics, where men have better hobbies than women. This study was conducted to analyze the learning interest of grade VIII junior high school students in learning gender-based algebraic literature mathematics using indicators of learning interest, namely feelings of pleasure, student interest, student involvement, diligent in learning mathematics, perseverance and learning discipline and having a study schedule. The method used for analysis in this study is qualitative description using the Likert scale with the provision of tools in the form of questionnaires that have been filled in Analysis of students' interest in learning mathematics. The population of this study was SMPN 1 Carenang students and the sample studied was one class consisting of 40 students in grade VIII SMP N 1 CARENANG. The tools used in the study were questionnaires and quizzes for each student. The results obtained in this study show differences in student interest and mathematics learning outcomes in gender-based number literature, where female students have more motivation to learn mathematics than male students.


Learning Mathematics, Gender Differences, Interest.

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