The Influence of Learning Strategies and Formal Reasoning Skills on Students' Mathematics Learning Outcomes at SMPN 8 Serang

Astuti Handayani, ⁠Junariah ⁠Junariah, ⁠Putriani ⁠Putriani, Jaka Wijaya Kusuma


Abstract: This study intends to determine the disparity in mathematics learning outcomes of SMPN 8 Kota Serang students by applying two learning management arts estimated to show significant learning outcomes. The learning tactics applied are the art of contextual learning management (Contextual Teaching Learning) and direct learning tactics (Direct Instruction). This research is a quasi-experimental research with the design of "2x2 Factorial Analysis" conducted at SMPN 8 Serang City. Data on the profile of formal reasoning ability were analyzed with narrative statistics, while the comparative advantages of CTL strategies and on the upcoming learning of mathematics were analyzed with two-track factorial analysis techniques. The results of the data analysis showed, that: (1) In general, there are 40.625% of Class VII students of SMPN 8 Kota Serang who have formal reasoning skills in transition qualifications, 50% with formal qualifications, and 9.375% students with concrete qualifications; (2) the art of CTL management is superior to the art of management in; (3) Formal Reasoning Ability affects the consequences of learning mathematics students; and (4) there is a relationship between formal reasoning skills and learning strategies on the consequences of learning mathematics. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended to Mathematics teachers to use the art of CTL management in the learning process to improve students' mathematics learning outcomes.


Learning Strategy, Formal Reasoning Ability, Mathematics.

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