The Influence of Power, Flexibility, and Balance on Elgol Dollyo Chagi Kicks in Male Athletes Aged 18-24 years at PORPROV XIV Taekwondo West Java 2022

Ria Apriliani, Mohammad Furqon Hidayatullah, Haris Nugroho


Abstract: This study carried out on elite athletes from West Java Province to analyze the physical performance of elite athletes, namely power, flexibility and balance on the accuracy of their dollyo chagi kicks on these three physical performance. In two previous studies, it was known that physical performance profile had influence on the psychology and physiology of athletes. Therefore, this research aims to provide reference material for non-elite taekwondo athletes to determine the physical performance profile of elite athletes so they can excel and achive targets in national and international competitions, especially for athletes with peak age of performance according their LTAD age, namely 18-24 years. The research method used in taking the test uses the development method and the random sampling technique as sampling technique. A sample of 45 people took the Standing Board Jump Test for leg muscle explosive power, the v-sit and reach test for flexibility test, and a balance test using a wooden balance board. The statistical analysis technique uses multiple linear regression techniques with degrees of freedom t table (df) = 45 at a significance level of 0,05. The calculation obtained the average frequency of kicks was 37.09 kicks using the right foot and 37.16 kicks using the left foot in 1 minute. From the results of the T-test, the significance value for strength (0.738) and balance (0.271) is smaller than 0.05 but the significance value for flexibility is 0.04, which means that H1 for the variable flexibility is accepted but H1 for power and balance is rejected. Based on the results of the F-test, the Sig. 0.195>0.05; So power, flexibility, and balance do not have a simultaneous effect on Elgol Dollyo Chagi's kick in male athletes aged 18-24 years at PORPROV XIV Taekwondo West Java 2022.



power, flexibility, balance, taekwondo, dollyo chagi

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