Needs Analysis of STEM-PjBL based IPAS E-LKPD Development to Support Student Collaboration Skills

Diana Rossa Martatiyana, Hadi Nasbey, Nidya Chandra Muji Utami


Abstract: Implementing STEM-PjBL in elementary schools requires supporting facilities so that the learning process can run effectively. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the need for STEM-PjBL based E-LKPD to support students' collaboration skills. The research method used in the research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The subjects in this research consisted of 1 teacher and 75 class IV students at one of the SDITs located in West Bogor, with data collection techniques using questionnaires with a 1-4 Likert scale, interviews, and documentation studies. The data obtained is then analyzed and synthesized to conclude. The research results show that the LKPD used in schools does not fulfill the components of making LKPD well, there needs to be innovation in the appearance of the LKPD used, and students rarely carry out project-based learning in groups. Therefore, STEM-PjBL based Science E-LKPD is very necessary, one of which is to support students' collaboration skills.



Student Worksheets, Science Learning, STEM-PjBL Learning, Collaboration Capabilities.

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