Trends and Implications of Ethnomathematics Studies: A Bibliometric Analysis

Subaryo Subaryo, Maximus Tamur, Adi Nurjaman, Marzuki Marzuki


Abstract: Learning that utilizes the environment as a learning resource combines and integrates culture or local wisdom, which is the best choice and indicates the quality of 21st-century learning. However, more information is still available in the literature to explain trends and applications of ethnomathematics so that the implications can be considered later. This bibliometric study specifically presents research trends in the field of ethnomathematics. This goal was achieved by analyzing 182 of 500 appropriate data identified from online databases using the publish or perish (PoP) application. The analysis results show that research related to ethnomathematics is progressing and is almost evenly distributed throughout Indonesia. The trend of using ethnomatics in the classroom also involves using various methods and media, identifying regional culture and traditional houses, and community activities related to ethnomathematics. However, few consider advanced media, such as augmented reality. Virtual reality hasn't been touched yet. The effectiveness of ethnomathematics is also associated with various mathematical abilities, but there is still little research on metacognition. This gap is valuable information for downstream research.


Ethnomathematics; Bibliometric Analysis, Mathematical ability

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