Asroful Kadafi, Dahlia Novarianing Asri, Pramudya Ardi, Dian Ratnaningtyas Afifah, Andria Andria


Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh proses pembelajaran yang kurang maksimal di saat pandemi atau proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara daring. Proses pembelajaran di Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PBKM) Bhakti Luhur pada saat pandemi mengandalkan media sosial seperti whatsapp hasilnya kurang maksimal, sehingga capaian pembelajaran menurun. Berdasarkan temuan masalah ini tim pengabdi mengadakan pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam pemanfaatan Learning Management System (LMS) pada kegiatan pembelajaran di PKBM. Kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui tahapan: perencanaan, implementasi (pelatihan dan pendampingan), dan monitoring serta evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian memberikan dampak positif pada PKBM dalam hal peningkatan capaian belajar warga belajar dan juga tenaga pengajarnya. Capaian tersebut berdasar kegiatan monitoring setelah kegiatan menunjukan tingkat perkembangan di PKBM terkait dampak pemanfaatan LMS pada proses pembelajaran sebesar 70%. Setelah selesai kegiatan ini, guru dan warga belajar mampu mengoperasikan LMS dengan baik.

Abstract: This service activity is motivated by the problems that exist with our partners, namely the learning process that is less than optimal during a pandemic or the learning process carried out online. The learning process at the Bhakti Luhur Community Learning Activity Center (PBKM) during the pandemic relied on social media such as WhatsApp the results were less than optimal, so learning outcomes decreased. Based on the findings of this problem, the service team held training and assistance in the use of the Learning Management System (LMS) in learning activities in PKBM. This activity is carried out through the following stages: planning, implementation (training and mentoring), and monitoring and evaluation. The results of service activities have a positive impact on PKBM in terms of increasing the learning outcomes of learning residents and also their teaching staff. This achievement is based on monitoring activities after the activity shows the level of development in PKBM related to the impact of using LMS on the learning process by 70%. After completing this activity, teachers and learning residents are able to operate the LMS well.


Learning Management System; Study; Community Learning Activity Center.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/jmm.v6i4.9547


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