Analisis suseptibilitas magnetik pada tanah di TPA Antang Makassar berdasarkan kedalaman telah dilakukan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jenis mineral magnetik, domain magnetik, dan sumber mineral magnetik. Suseptibilitas magnetik diukur menggunakan alat Bartington MS2 Magnetic Susceptibility Meter dengan sensor MS2B yang bekerja pada dua frekuensi. Pengukuran suseptibilitas magnetik dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel pada lima titik dengan variasi kedalaman hingga 0-80 cm dari permukaan tanah. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa nilai suseptibilitas magnetik di TPA Antang bervariasi 2,097 m3/kg hingga 33,523 m3/kg dan suseptibilitas magnetik bergantung frekuensi pada rentangan 2,51% hingga 6,51%. Sampel tanah diindikasikan mengandung mineral magnetik yang bersifat antiferomagnetik dan paramagnetik. Domain magnetik pada sampel tanah adalah superparamagnetik (SP) dan stable single domain (SSD). Sumber mineral magnetik dominan berasal dari aktivitas manusia (antropogenik).
Kata kunci: TPA; tanah; suseptibilitas magnetik; mineral magnetik; antropogenik.
Magnetic susceptibility analysis of soil at TPA Antang Makassar based on depth has been carried out. This study aims to analyze the types of magnetic minerals, magnetic domains, and sources of magnetic minerals. Magnetic susceptibility was measured using a Bartington MS2 Magnetic Susceptibility Meter with an MS2B sensor that works on two frequencies. Magnetic susceptibility measurements were carried out by taking samples at five points with depth variations up to 0-80 cm from the ground surface. Measurement results show that the magnetic susceptibility values in Antang landfill varied from 2.097 m3/kg to 33.523 m3/kg and the magnetic susceptibility was frequency dependent in the range of 2.51% to 6.51%. Soil samples are indicated to contain magnetic minerals that are antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic. The magnetic domains in the soil samples are superparamagnetic (SP) and stable single domain (SSD). The dominant source of magnetic minerals comes from human activities (anthropogenic).
Keywords: landfill; soil; magnetic susceptibility; magnetic mineral; anthropogenic.
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