Ezalina Ezalina, Putra Gunawan, Nilpas Rahmadan, Nia Listari, Dina Adelia, Dwi Dwi


Abstrak: Anemia merupakan kondisi dimana sel darah merah tidak mencukupi kebutuhan fisiologis tubuh. Di dunia prevalensi ibu hamil yang mengalami anemia sebesar 41,8%, sedangkan di Indonesia 48,9%. Anemia termasuk masalah kesehatan masyarakat berat (severe public health problem) yang berdampak pada kualitas sumber daya manusia yang dilahirkan. Salah satu faktor penyebab anemia dalam kehamilan adalah kurangnya asupan ibu mengkonsumsi makanan yang bergizi. Tujuan dilaksanakan pengabdian masyarakat adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang gizi dalam mencegah anemia kehamilan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di Posyandu dengan menggunakan metode pendidikan kesehatan. Mitra kegiatan adalah ibu hamil yang berada di Posyandu RW 13 Kelurahan Limbungan Baru Kecamatan Rumbai. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan diawali dengan pemeriksaan fisik ibu hamil (pengukuran TD, BB, TB dan pengisian KMS ibu hamil) kemudian edukasi tentang gizi ibu hamil. Kegiatan diakhiri dengan diskusi atau tanya jawab tentang materi yang telah disampaikan. Hasil akhir kegiatan adalah terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan ibu hamil dari 45% menjadi 97% yang terlihat dari adanya antusias ibu hamil ketika menyimak materi yang disampaikan dan berkeinginan untuk menerapkan konsumsi makanan yang bergizi selama hamil.

Abstract: Anemia is a condition in which red blood cells do not meet the physiological needs of the body. In the world the prevalence of pregnant women who experience it is 41.8%, while in Indonesia it is 48.9%. Anemia is a severe public health problem that has an impact on the quality of the human resources that are born. One of the factors that causes anemia in pregnancy is the lack of nutritious food consumed by pregnant women. The purpose of community service was to increase pregnant women's knowledge about nutrition in preventing anemia in pregnancy. The activity was carried out at posyandu (Integrated Health Center) using health education methods. The partners were pregnant women who are in posyandu RW 13, Limbungan Baru Village, Rumbai Subdistrict. The method of implementing the activity began with a physical examination of pregnant women (measurement of blood pressure, weight, height) and filling in KMS for pregnant women). Then, education about nutrition for pregnant women was given. The activity ended with a discussion or question and answer about the topic that had been presented. The final result of the activity was an increase in pregnant women's knowledge from 45% to 97% as seen from the enthusiasm of pregnant women in listening when the material was delivered and their desire to apply nutritious food consumption during pregnancy.


Anemia; Pregnancy; Nutrious food.

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