Abstrak: Ultra sono grafi (USG) pada kehamilan menggambarkan keakuratan perkembangan janin, apakah sesuai, atau berlebih, atau terlalu kecil dibandingkan umur kehamilan. Risiko kelainan bawaan/kongenital pada janin sejak dalam kandungan pun dapat terdeteksi. Tujuan: Meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu hamil (bumil) tentang manfaat pemeriksaan USG. Metode: Memberikan penyuluhan dan pelayanan pemeriksaan USG gratis pada bumil yang datang memeriksakan kehamilan/ante natal care (ANC) ke puskesmas. Sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan dilakukan pretes dan postes. Hasil & implikasi: Peserta sebanyak 20 orang bumil menunjukkan kehamilan yang sehat dan perkembangan janin yang sesuai dengan usia kehamilan. Nilai postes meningkat menjadi 75 dibandingkan nilai pretes 58. Kesimpulan: Penyuluhan dan pemeriksaan USG meningkatkan pengetahuan bumil dan memberikan informasi perkembangan janin dalam kandungan yang lebih akurat.
Abstract: Ultrasound (USG) in pregnancy describes the accuracy of fetal development, whether it is appropriate, or excessive, or too small for gestational age. The risk of congenital/congenital abnormalities in the fetus since in the womb can also be detected. Objective: To increase knowledge of pregnant women (pregnant women) about the benefits of ultrasound examination. Methods: Provide counseling and free ultrasound examination services to pregnant women who come for antenatal care (ANC) to the puskesmas. Before and after the counseling, pretest and posttest were carried out. Results & implications: Participants as many as 20 pregnant women showed a healthy pregnancy and fetal development according to gestational age. The posttest score increased to 75 compared to the pretest score of 58. Conclusion: Counseling and ultrasound examinations increase pregnant women's knowledge and provide more accurate information on fetal development in the womb.
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