Hani Sutianingsih, Rery Kurniawati


Abstract: Lack of child nutrition (stunting) has an impact on increasing child mortality and morbidity. Prevention of stunting is carried out by detecting newborns who are at risk, such as the Ponderal Index measurement at Newborn which can be a predictor of growth and development disorders that can lead to stunting. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the Ponderal index at birth in determining the body length of a 6 month old baby. The research design was cross sectional with 60 Newborn research subjects. The results of the statistical test showed that there was a weak positive correlation (0.308) for the Ponderal index at birth with the body length of a 6 month old baby. Ponderal index can be used to detect the possibility of stunting in the future.

Abstrak: Kekurangan asupan gizi anak (stunting) berdampak pada meningkatnya mortalitas dan morbiditas anak. Pencegahan stunting dilakukan dengan mendeteksi bayi baru lahir (BBL) yang berisiko, seperti pengukuran Ponderal Indeks pada BBL yang dapat menjadi prediktor bagi terjadinya gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang dapat mengakibatkan stunting. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh Ponderal indeks saat lahir dalam menentukan panjang badan bayi usia 6 bulan. Rancangan penelitian cross sectional dengan subjek penelitian 60 orang BBL. Hasil uji statistic menunjukan terdapat korelasi positif lemah (0,308) ponderal indeks saat lahir dengan panjang badan bayi usia 6 bulan. Ponderal indeks dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi kemungkinan stunting dikemudian hari.


Kata Kunci

Ponderal Index; Nutritional Status; Stunting.

Teks Lengkap:



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