Analisis Risiko Pelaksanaan Perawatan Landas Pacu Bandar Udara Sultan Muhammad Salahudin Bima

M. Yadin Kurniawan, Ida Ayu Oka Suwati Sideman, I Gede Putu Warka


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi faktor risiko pada proyek perawatan dan perpanjangan landas pacu. Pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini berupa data primer (wawancara dan menyebarkan kuisioner) data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik dengan bantuan aplikasi Stastistical Program For Social Science (SPSS). Kemudian dilakukan uji validitas dengan teknik pengujian Pearson Correlation. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis risiko secara kualitatif dan mencari prioritas risiko menggunakan rumus dari metode AHP.

Hasil Penelitian menunjukan terdapat 17 risiko, setelah di validitas terdapat 5 faktor risiko yang pasti setelah dilakukan analisis secara kualitatif dan mencari prioritas risiko menggunakan metode AHP terdapat  berturut-turut faktor risiko .

Abstract:  This study aims to identify risk factors in the runway maintenance and extension project. Collecting data in this study in the form of primary data (interviews and distributing questionnaires). The data obtained were analyzed statistically with the help of the Statistical Program For Social Science (SPSS) application. Then the validity test was carried out with the Pearson Correlation testing technique. Furthermore, a qualitative risk analysis is carried out and look for risk priorities using the formula from the AHP method.
The results showed that there were 17 risks, after validating there were 5 definite risk factors. After conducting a qualitative analysis and looking for risk priorities using the AHP method, there were successive risk factors.


Risiko;Landas pacu;Prioritas;Validasi

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