Extension Performance in Agricultural Development: The Urgency of Integrated Agricultural System Education for Farmers
Abstract: The important role of agricultural development as a production factor is greatly influenced by extension services as a means of education in the sustainable use of natural resources. Extension performance is considered important regarding the role of farmer education, technology adoption aimed at community welfare. This research is empirical research on various supporting literature, accompanied by descriptive observational actions regarding the important role of extension in assisting farmers' understanding of smart farming which leads to farming efficiency and agricultural sustainability. The discussion includes strengthening extension performance, education on integrated agricultural systems and development policies through agricultural extension. There needs to be an important formal management role, not only in putting farmer education through extension services on the agenda and allocating resources for the change process, but also by acting as role models. An integrated system that promotes low input, integrated agriculture increases productivity, reduces operational costs, optimizes the use of resources such as water and fertilizer, and reduces the environmental impact of agricultural activities. Extension is not only about completing tasks but also about responsibility for income and welfare as well as increasing awareness in preserving the function of the environment.
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