Kepadatan Siput Terebralia palustris (Jantan dan Betina) pada Ekosistem Mangrove Pulau Pannikiang

Andi Nur Samsi, Rusmidin Rusmidin


Abstract: The snail Terebralia palustris is a species of snail that lives in the mangrove ecosystem on Pannikiang Island, Barru Regency, South Sulawesi. This snail is known as "Bakoleng" by local residents. This research is critical to know because these snails are consumed by local residents and to find out the location with the highest density. Sampling was conducted once every month from August 2018 to July 2019. The study was conducted for ten months. Due to unfavorable environmental conditions, the research was not conducted in December 2018 and January 2019. Sampling was carried out using a plot size of 1x1 m2 at stations A and B. Data were analyzed and tabulated using Excel. Male snails were 33.47% and females at station A were 66.53%, while at station B the males were 25.91% and females were 74.09%. The ratio of male snails at station A is 31.88% while at station B is 68.12%. The ratio of female snails at station A is 24.54%, while at station B is 75.46%. The number of female snails is always more than the male. The density of male and female snails was higher at station B. This allowed the snail harvest to be can carry out at station B.

Abstrak: Siput Terebralia palustris merupakan salah satu spesies siput yang hidup pada ekosistem mangrove di Pulau Pannikiang, Kabupaten Barru, Sulawesi Selatan. Siput ini dikenal dengan nama “Bakoleng” oleh warga setempat. Penelitian ini penting diketahui karena siput ini dikonsumsi oleh warga setempat dan untuk mengetahui titik lokasi dengan kepadatan tertinggi. Sampling dilakukan sekali setiap bulan mulai bulan Agustus 2018 sampai Juli 2019. Penelitian dilakukan selama sepuluh bulan. Penelitian tidak dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2018 dan Januari 2019 karena kondisi lingkungan tidak mendukung. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan plot ukuran 1x1 m2 pada stasiun A dan B. Data dianalisis dan ditabulasi dengan menggunakan excel. Siput jantan sebesar 33,47% dan betina di stasiun A sebesar 66,53% sedangkan di stasiun B untuk jantan yaitu 25,91% dan betina yaitu 74,09%. Perbandingan siput jantan di stasiun A yaitu 31,88% sedangkan di stasiun B yaitu 68,12%. Perbandingan siput betina di stasiun A yaitu 24,54% sedangkan di stasiun B yaitu 75,46%. Jumlah siput betina selalu lebih banyak dibandingkan jantan. Kepadatan siput jantan dan betina lebih tinggi pada stasiun B. Hal ini memungkinkan panen siput dilakukan di stasiun B.


Mangrove; Pannikiang; Snail; Terebralia palustris

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