Penerapan Strategi Pemasaran Digital dalam Meningkatkan Visibilitas dan Pertumbuhan Bisnis di Era Digital

David Hermansyah, Baiq Ida Astini


This study aims to investigate the implementation of digital marketing strategies in enhancing business visibility and growth in the digital era. Through a Systematic Literature Review approach, sources from Google Scholar, DOAJ, and Scopus were selected with publication years ranging from 2013-2024. The findings of the study indicate that digital marketing strategies play a crucial role in improving online business presence, brand awareness, consumer engagement, and influencing purchasing decisions. The utilization of digital technologies such as social media, search engines, and analytics has proven to be effective in reaching target audiences, strengthening customer relationships, and enhancing operational efficiency. However, several gaps requiring further attention were identified. One of them is the increasingly significant role of data privacy regulations like GDPR-2018 in governing the collection and use of consumer data in digital marketing strategies. Additionally, other challenges include customer interaction, compliance with regulations, and skill gaps needed to effectively implement digital marketing strategies, especially for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, this research provides valuable insights for marketing practitioners and policymakers in addressing challenges and opportunities in optimizing digital marketing strategies in the dynamic digital era.


Business Growth, Business Visibility, Digital Marketing

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