Pembangunan Resiliensi Psikologis melalui Program Bimbingan dan Konseling: Strategi dan Evaluasi

David Hermansyah, Khaeruddin Said


The development of psychological resilience through guidance and counseling programs has become a significant focus in psychology literature in recent years. This study aims to conduct a systematic review of available literature from 2013-2024, utilizing sources from Scopus, DOAJ, and Google Scholar. The findings indicate that various concrete strategies have been implemented in guidance and counseling programs to enhance psychological resilience. Among these strategies are the development of online counseling programs tailored to the digital era, the application of counseling programs focusing on addressing anxiety and depression symptoms, and the design of group psychological counseling programs. Additionally, interventions such as well-being therapy, Resilience Factor Program, and Personal Resilience Model have also proven effective in enhancing participants' psychological resilience. These findings underscore the importance of developing diverse and innovative strategies to improve individual psychological resilience through guidance and counseling programs. The practical implications of these findings are that guidance and counseling practitioners can utilize these proven effective strategies in designing and implementing programs aimed at building psychological resilience in various populations. Further research in this field can explore the effectiveness and implementation of these practices in different contexts and deepen understanding of the processes and mechanisms underlying the development of psychological resilience through guidance and counseling interventions.


Counseling and Guidance, Development, Evaluation, Psychological, Resilience, Strategy

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