Analisis Potensi Sektor Unggulan Dalam Meningkatkan Perekonomian Di Kabupaten Lamongan

Saffaanah Zuhairoh, Indanazulfa Qurrota A’yun


Economic growth is an indicator of a region's economic progress and resilience. Diversification of economic sectors is the key to achieving high economic resilience. The role of the government in encouraging economic growth through economic development policies and programs is also very important. This study aims to understand the potential of economic sectors in Lamongan Regency by looking at which sectors are superior, how much they contribute to economic growth, and grouping them based on their performance and characteristics. The analytical methods used include Location Quotient (LQ), Shift Share, and Klassen Typology to provide a comprehensive picture of economic structure and growth indicators. This research is a quantitative-oriented study with a time series data approach. The data sources used include Lamongan Regency GRDP and East Java GRDP in the 2017-2022 time span. Based on the results of the LQ analysis, there are 9 basic sectors and 8 non-basic sectors. Shift Share research results reflect the complex dynamics of economic growth, with certain sectors experiencing difficulties but overall making a positive contribution to national economic growth. The results of the Klassen Typology analysis show that the economic sector in Lamongan Regency has great development potential and requires special attention.


PDRB, Location Quotient, Shift Share, Tipologi Klassen

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