Analisis Sektor Ekonomi Unggulan Kabupaten Banjarnegera Dalam Upaya Pengembangan Potensi Ekonomi

Muhammad Rifqi Darmawan, Muhammad Safar Nasir


The leading regional economic sector has the potential and an important role for sustainable development, community welfare and national economic growth. The role of government is needed in order to maximize the results of the region's economic potential. This research aims to identify and classify potential resources in leading and non-leading sectors in Banjarnegara Regency regarding the economic sector of Central Java Province. The method used in this research is the data analysis method using the Location Quotient (LQ) analysis method, Shift-Share Method, and Klassen Typology Analysis. This research applies secondary data in the form of a time series originating from BPS Banjarnegara Regency and BPS Central Java Province, namely GRDP at constant prices 2018-2022. The results of the analysis from LQ are that there are seven non-basic sectors and there are ten basic sectors. The results of the analysis from the Shift-Share method show that the sectors that have the most competitive advantages are the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors and the results of the Klassen Typology analysis show that there are several sectors that are classified as underdeveloped sectors and need to be developed in Banjarnegara Regency, namely the information and communication sector.


GRDP; Location Quotient Analysis; Shift-Share Method; Klassen Typology Analysis; non-base sector

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