Silaturrahim sebagai media relasi sosial masyarakat (Studi analisis hadis dengan teori tindakan max weber)

Muhammad Alfreda Daib Insan Labib, M. Arif Rahman Setiadin, Fajriyaturrohmah Fajriyaturrohmah, Nurhadi Nurhadi, Ilham Syamsul


This article discusses the concept of silaturrahim as an effort to build relationships in the social life of society. In this research, the researcher made the editorial of the Prophet's hadith the main research object and Max Weber's theory of action as a research scalpel. This research method is qualitative with data sources based on literature review. The data processing method used is descriptive-analytical, namely describing the data that has been collected, then elaborating the data in depth to achieve the research objectives. Among the discussions in this research are; 1). Max Weber and his theory of action. This discussion will present a brief biography of Weber and his thoughts. 2). Classification of silaturrahim hadiths in kutub al-tis’ah. The classification will be presented in tabular form. 3). Analysis of the hadith of silaturrahim with Max Weber's theory of action. The explanation in this discussion is how the value of silaturrahim in the hadith can be manifested as strengthening social relations in society. This research concludes that; 1). Types of social action based on their orientation according to Weber, namely; instrumental rational (instrumentally rational), value rational (value-rational), affective (affectual), and traditional. 2). There are various hadiths that discuss silaturrahim in kutub al-tis’ah. 3). Silaturrahim has an important value in social relations in society. In some cases, silaturrahim is even manifested as a tradition to maintain community social relations.


Hadith; Silaturrahim; Weber; Social

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