Pilihan Bersekolah dan Future Time Perspective Remaja Suku Banjar: Studi Pendahuluan

Dwi Nur Rachmah, Wiwin Hendriani


The growing literature suggests that school is the first step for adolescents to prepare for their future. The choice of attending school indicates the direction of future goals for the adolescents themselves and how they view their future. A preliminary study was conducted to obtain data on the reasons adolescents choose to attend non-formal schools such as Madrasah Diniyah. The data collection process was carried out through focus group discussion involving Banjar adolescents in Martapura District, Banjar regency, South Kalimantan. In addition, data was also collected through interviews with parents and community leaders to enrich the findings on this matter. The data collected in the analysis using a qualitative approach with thematic analysis. The results show themes of reasons why Banjar adolescents choose to attend school in Madrasah Diniyah. Discussion of the findings and theory of future time perspective is presented in the discussion of this article


adolescents, Choice, School, Future Time Perspective

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