Study on chemical and organoleptic properties of white bread with the addition of tempe flour

Asmawati Asmawati


One of the ways to improve the nutritional value of fresh bread is to fortify the flour, including the use of legume flours such as soya beans, mung beans and also tempe flour. Tempe flour is a nutrient-rich flour that can be used as a blend with wheat flour to make bread. The aim of this research is to evaluate the chemical and organoleptic quality of fresh bread with the addition of tempe flour. This research uses an experimental method by carrying out experiments in the laboratory. The design used was a completely randomised design (CRD) with a single experiment, namely the addition of tempe flour in the preparation of fresh bread, consisting of 8 treatments, and each treatment was repeated three times, so that 24 experimental units were obtained. The observational data were analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5% real level and further tested using HSD (High Significant Difference) test at 5% real level. The results showed that the percentage of tempe flour added had a significant effect on all the parameters observed. The higher the addition of tempe flour in the production of this bread, the higher the water content, protein content and fat content, while the starch content and ash content are lower. The addition of tempeh flour in the production of fresh bread up to 6% is still preferred by the panelists in terms of taste, aroma and colour with a good texture. 


chemical properties; organoleptic propertie; tempeh flour; white bread


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