Uji Aktivitas Hair Tonic Madu Kombinasi Ekstrak Daun Seledri (Apium Graveolens Linn) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Rambut Kelinci Jantan
Seledri adalah tanaman yang memiliki efek terhadap pertumbuhan rambut, selain seledri madu telah banyak diketahui sebagai bahan alami yang berguna untuk merawat dan menyehatkan kulit kepala serta rambut karena kandungan madu sendiri kaya akan antioksidan yang penting bagi kesehatan rambut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas hair tonic madu kombinasi ektrak seledri terhadap pertumbuhan rambut kelinci serta uji mutu fisik hair tonic. Desain penelitian ini adalah eksperimental menggunakan hewan uji kelinci jantan jenis New Zealand dengan variasi konsentrasi dosis seledri dan madu untuk Formula A (5% : 15%), Formula B (10% : 10%), Formula C (15% : 15%), kontrol normal (tanpa perlakuan), kontrol negatif (bahan tambahan), dan kontrol positif (sediaan hair tonic mengandung minoxidil 2%). Uji mutu fisik meliputi organoleptis dan uji pH. Pengukuran pertumbuhan rambut dilakukan pengamatan selama 14 hari. Data hasil pengukuran panjang dan berat rambut diuji statistik dengan metode uji Anova . Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sediaan hair tonic kombinasi ekstrak daun seledri dan madu memenuhi syarat PH dan menghasilkan warna, bau, dan kejernian yang stabil selama penyimpanan. Kombinasi ekstrak daun seledri dan madu yang memiliki potensi paling tinggi terhadap pertumbuhan rambut kelinci adalah formula B, dengan perbandingan konsentrasi ekstrak 10% dan madu 10% dan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan (p<0,05) dengan kelompok positif . Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah Hair tonic kombinasi ekstrak daun seledri dan madu memenuhi kriteria syarat Mutu Fisik dan Formula B memiliki potensi paling tinggi dan sama besar dengan kontrol positif terhadap aktivitas pertumbuhan rambut kelinci.
Kata kunci : Hair Tonic; Seledri; Madu; Pertumbuhan Rambut.
Celery is a plant that has an effect on hair growth, in addition to celery honey has been widely known as a natural ingredient that is useful for treating and nourishing the scalp and hair because the content of honey itself is rich in antioxidants that are important for hair health. This study aims to determine the hair tonic activity of honey celery extract combination on rabbit hair growth and to test the physical quality of hair tonic.The design of this study was experimental using test animals of New Zealand male rabbits with various concentrations of celery and honey doses for Formula A (5%: 15%), Formula B (10%: 10%), Formula C (15%: 15%) , normal control (without treatment), negative control (additional ingredients), and positive control (hair tonic preparations containing 2% minoxidil). Physical properties test include organoleptic and pH test. Measurement of hair growth was observed for 14 days. The results of measurement of hair length and weight were tested statistically by the Anova test method. The results showed that the hair tonic preparation of a combination of celery leaf extract and honey met the pH requirements and produced stable color, odor, and clarity during storage. The combination of celery leaf extract and honey which has the highest potential for rabbit hair growth is formula B, with a ratio of 10% extract concentration and 10% honey and there is no significant difference (p<0.05) with the positive group. The conclusion of this study is that the hair tonic combination of celery leaf extract and honey meets the criteria for Physical Quality and Formula B has the highest potential and is as large as a positive control on rabbit hair growth activity
Keywords : Hair Tonic; Celery; Honey; Hair Growth Activity.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/lf.v3i1.7406
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