Implementasi smart learning menggunakan ChatGPT pada SMAS Bodhicitta Medan
Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kepada 27 guru dan 18 siswa di SMAS Bodhicitta Medan tentang implementasi Smart Learning menggunakan ChatGPT, dengan fokus pada personalisasi pengalaman belajar dan integrasi teknologi berbasis artificial intelligence (AI) pada pembelajaran. Metode pelaksanaan meliputi identifikasi kebutuhan, perencanaan dan desain pelatihan, pelaksanaan pelatihan, serta monitoring dan evaluasi melalui pre-test dan post-test. Hasil pra-test menunjukkan bahwa sebelum pelatihan, pemahaman siswa dan guru tentang smart learning dan penggunaan ChatGPT masih terbatas. Namun, hasil post-test menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam pemahaman dan penerimaan terhadap integrasi ChatGPT dalam pembelajaran. Survei penerimaan mengindikasikan bahwa 82% siswa dan 78% guru merasa penggunaan ChatGPT efektif dan memenuhi kebutuhan pembelajaran. Meskipun beberapa responden menyatakan kurang efektif dalam penggunaan teknologi AI dalam pembalajaran, namun tingkat penerimaan yang tinggi menunjukkan respons positif terhadap penggunaan teknologi AI dalam kelas, menandakan pentingnya adaptasi metode pembelajaran yang inovatif. Kegiatan ini berhasil meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dan mendorong integrasi teknologi canggih dalam pendidikan.
Kata kunci: ChatGPT; smart learning; artificial intelligence, pelatihan.
This community service activity aims to provide training to 27 teachers and 18 students at SMAS Bodhicitta Medan on the implementation of Smart Learning using ChatGPT, with a focus on personalising the learning experience and integrating artificial intelligence (AI)-based technology in learning. The implementation method includes needs identification, training planning and design, training implementation, and monitoring and evaluation through pre-test and post-test. The pre-test results showed that before the training, students' and teachers' understanding of smart learning and the use of ChatGPT was still limited. However, the post-test results showed a significant increase in understanding and acceptance of ChatGPT integration in learning. The acceptance survey indicated that 82% of students and 78% of teachers felt the use of ChatGPT was effective and fulfilled the learning needs. Although some respondents expressed a lack of effectiveness in the use of AI technology in teaching, the high level of acceptance indicates a positive response to the use of AI technology in the classroom, signalling the importance of adapting innovative learning methods. This activity successfully improved the quality of learning and encouraged the integration of advanced technology in education.
Keywords: chatgpt; smart learning; artificial intelligence; training.
Full Text:
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