Revinel Revinel, Aning Subiyatin



Masa pandemi  Covid-19 di Indonesia sangat berdampak di berbagai sektor layanan publik, terutama sektor layanan kesehatan khususnya pemanfaatan layanan Antenatal Care (ANC). Pemerintah merekomendasikan  menunda pemeriksaan kehamilan ke tenaga kesehatan kecuali ibu mengalami tanda – tanda bahaya kehamilan. Terkait dengan kondisi ibu hamil tetap harus mendapatkan informasi yang adekuat dan terpantau kesehatannya maka diperlukan kelas ibu hamil guna meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang kehamilan, persalinan, nifas dan parenting. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat  bertujuan untuk memberdayakan kelompok ibu hamil dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan merubah sikap dan perilaku ibu hamil agar  memahami tentang kehamilan yang sehat tanpa anemia agar dapat  mencegah komplikasi secara dini selama masa kehamilan  dan dapat mempersiapkan  persalinan normal,  mengikuti protokol kesehatan secara optimal. Metode yang diberikan melalui edukasi  interaktif, dengan pendekatan secara langsung, curah pendapat, ceramah, tanya jawab tentang pencegahan  anemia pada kehamilan, diikuti 19 ibu hamil dibagi 2 kelompok di Puskesmas kecamatan Tanah Abang. Hasilnya  menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan rata-rata skor pengetahuan sebesar dari 70,53±26,34 SD menjadi 88,94±14,48 SD.


Kata kunci: anemia; ibu hamil; kelas ibu hamil.



The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has greatly impacted various public service sectors, especially the health service sector, especially the use of Antenatal Care (ANC). The government recommends postponing Antenatal Care to health workers unless the mother experiences danger signs of pregnancy. Regarding the condition of pregnant women, they still have to get adequate information and their health is monitored, so a class for pregnant women is needed to increase knowledge about pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and parenting. Community service aims to empower groups of pregnant women in increasing knowledge and changing attitudes and behavior of pregnant women in order to understand about a healthy pregnancy without of anemia in order to prevent complications early during pregnancy and be able to prepare for normal delivery, following health protocols optimally. The method provided was through interactive education, with a direct approach, brainstorming, lectures, questions and answers about preventing anemia in pregnancy, followed by 19 pregnant women divided into 2 groups at the Tanah Abang sub-district health center. The results showed that there was an increase in the average knowledge score from 70.53±26.34 SD to 88.94±14.48 SD.


Keywords: anemia; pregnant women; class of pregnant women.



anemia; pregnant women; class of pregnant women.

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