Nanda Novita, Muliani Muliani, Mellyzar Mellyzar



Kegiatan PKM yang dilaksanakan untuk guru SMP di kabupaten Aceh Utara ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik guru dalam menyusun dan mengembangkan soal matematika dan sains berbasis numerasi, sebagai persiapan guru dalam membimbing siswa  menghadapi Asesmen Nasional (AN). AN mulai diterapkan sebagai sistem evaluasi di Indonesia pada tahun 2021 yang bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kualitas pembelajaran. Kegiatan ini didasari oleh permasalahan mitra yaitu:(1) Belum adanya pelatihan khusus untuk penyusunan dan pengembangan soal matematika dan sains berbasis numerasi. (2) Minimnya pemahaman guru dan keterbatasan ide dalam penyusunan soal berbasis numerasi. (3) Guru belum menggunakan soal matematika dan sains berbasis numerasi dalam proses pembelajaran. Kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan dalam tiga tahap, pertama analisis pemahaman awal guru terkait tujuan dan instrumen yang digunakan dalam AN. Tahap kedua pemaparan materi mengenai strategi penyusunan soal matematika dan sains berbasis numerasi serta penerapan di sekolah. Selanjutnya, tahap ketiga penyusunan soal matematika dan sains berbasis numerasi. Soal-soal yang sudah disusun oleh peserta, kemudian dievaluasi dan dianalisis berdasarkan kriteria soal numerasi. Di akhir kegiatan pelatihan, peserta mengisi angket respon untuk mengetahui efektifitas dan keberhasilan kegiatan pelatihan ini. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan ini sangat bermanfaat, dapat meningkatkan motivasi, sesuai dengan kebutuhan guru, pemateri sangat responsive terhadap pertanyaan peserta, dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan peserta dalam menyusun dan mengembangkan soal berbasis numerasi, serta perserta bersedia untuk ikut berpartisipasi jika kegiatan ini diselenggarakan kembali.


Kata kunci: pengembangan soal; sains; numerasi;asesmen nasional



The PKM activity which was carried out for junior high school teachers in Aceh Utara district was aimed at increasing the pedagogic competence of teachers in compiling and developing numeracy-based math and science questions, as a preparation for teachers in guiding students to face the National Assessment (AN). AN will be implemented as an evaluation system in Indonesia in 2021 which aims to improve the quality of learning. This activity is based on partner problems, namely: (1) There is no special training for the preparation and development of numeracy-based math and science questions. (2) The teacher's lack of understanding and limited ideas in the preparation of numeration-based questions. (3) Teachers have not used numeration-based math and science questions in the learning process. The training activities are carried out in three stages, firstly an analysis of the teacher's initial understanding of the objectives and instruments used in the National Assessment. The second stage is the presentation of material on strategies for formulating numeracy-based math and science questions and their application in schools. Next, the third stage is the preparation of numeration-based math and science questions. The questions that have been prepared by the participants are then evaluated and analyzed based on the criteria for numeracy questions. At the end of the training activity, participants filled out a response questionnaire to determine the effectiveness and success of this training activity. The results obtained are that the implementation of this training activity is very useful, can increase motivation, according to the needs of the teacher, the presenters are very responsive to participant questions, can increase the understanding and ability of participants in compiling and developing numeration-based questions, and participants are willing to participate if this activity reorganized.


Keywords: question development; science; numeracy; national assessment


question development; science; numeracy; national assessment

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