Ivanna Beru Brahmana



Masalah: Rendahnya pemahaman ibu hamil tentang pentingnya ante natal care (ANC) berisiko bagi janin dalam kandungan. Pemeriksaan ANC dengan pemeriksaan ultra sono grafi (USG) memberikan informasi yang lebih akurat tentang kondisi janin. Ukuran janin normal atau tidak, jumlah janin, volume air ketuban, letak plasenta, berat badan janin sesuai, lebih besar atau lebih kecil daripada usia kehamilan dapat diukur dengan USG. Tujuan: meningkatkan pemahaman ibu hamil tentang pentingnya pemeriksaan ANC pada ibu hamil dan menilai kesejahteraan janin dalam kandungan dengan pemeriksaan USG gratis. Metode: dengan melakukan penyuluhan, didahului pretes, postes setelah penyampaian materi, diakhiri dengan pemeriksaan USG gratis. Peserta pengadian berjumlah 26 orang ibu hamil, yang berasal dari lingkungan sekitar pengabdian. Hasil: Nilai postes mengalami peningkatan dibandingkan nilai pretes, yaitu 95% dari 68%. Penyuluhan berjalan lancar dan semua peserta menunjukkan antusias, terlihat dari banyaknya pertanyaan peserta pengabdian. Pemeriksaan USG gratis diikuti oleh semua peserta pengabdian, dengan hasil normal dan janin sehat. Saat ANC, ibu hamil diberikan konseling tentang KB pasca persalinan (KBPP).  Kesimpulan: Penyuluhan meningkatkan pemahaman ibu hamil tentang pentingnya pemeriksaan ANC dan pemeriksaan USG gratis menunjukkan kesejahteraan janin baik. Pengabdian diikuti dengan antusias oleh seluruh peserta pengabdian. Manfaat pengabdian sangat dirasakan oleh seluruh peserta pengabdian.


Kata kunci: ante natal care; ibu hamil; penyuluhan; USG.




Problem: The low understanding of pregnant women about the importance of ante natal care (ANC) poses a risk to the fetus in the womb. ANC examination with ultrasound examination provides more accurate information about the condition of the fetus. The size of the fetus is normal or not, the number of fetuses, the volume of amniotic fluid, the location of the placenta, the appropriate weight of the fetus, greater or less than the gestational age can be measured by ultrasound. Objective: to increase the understanding of pregnant women about the importance of ANC examination in pregnant women and to assess the welfare of the fetus in the womb with a free ultrasound examination. Methods: by conducting counseling, preceded by a pretest, posttest after the delivery of the material, ending with a free ultrasound examination. The trial participants totaled 26 pregnant women, who came from the community around the service. Results: The posttest score increased compared to the pretest score, which was 95% from 68%. The counseling went smoothly and all participants showed enthusiasm, it could be seen from the many questions from the service participants. Free ultrasound examination was attended by all service participants, with normal results and healthy fetuses. During ANC, pregnant women are given counseling about postpartum family planning (PPFP). Conclusion: Counseling increases the understanding of pregnant women about the importance of ANC examination and free ultrasound examination shows good fetal well-being. The service was enthusiastically followed by all the service participants. The benefits of service are felt by all service participants.


Keywords: ante natal care; pregnant mother; counseling; ultrasound.


ante natal care; pregnant mother; counseling; ultrasound.

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